January 9, 2010

How to catch a fly or other insect in a van without using sprays or chemicals

Some annoying little flies decided to hitchhike a ride yesterday.. Those small silent ones that wake you up by crawling gently over your nose while you sleep.

I try to minimise my use of chemicals, especially in the confined space of a van. So here's my technique for dealing with flies and insects.

1) negotiate an agreement with the insect world that inside is your space, and if they come inside, you may accidentally or on purpose kill them. (They have been warned.)

2) locate annoying or frightening insect and speak softly to get its attention and calm it down. Give a final warning to vacate the premises now (and point out the nearest exit).

3) if this fails, take a tissue in one hand and -- while speaking soothingly or apologetically, as appropriate to your intention -- swiftly encase the insect in the tissue.

4) depending on your personal philosophy and skill at tissue-catching, either lovingly remove the encased insect outside and set it free... Or squish it inside the tissue with your fingers as you catch it (fingers protected from insect-guts by the tissue).

5) dispose of tissue (and any contents)

With a minimum of practice you should be able to do this in one easy movement and be back happily relaxing in a few moments.


PS: this method has been known to fail.

PS2: not suitable for stinging insects.

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