November 10, 2009

Nouveau Gypsy: Living and Writing in a Campervan

Hey there,

This is my new blog about my journey in Australia living in a campervan.

Quick update: sold the house and moved into the Van (Betty) two months ago, and am currently sitting outside in a caravan park on the Gold Coast, under my awning, enjoying the sea breezes.. and typing this on my new Mac (yes, major religious conversion after the unexpected sudden death of my pc laptop).

Not always so idyllic, but I am learning the ropes of van-life and gradually working out how to have a mobile office.

I've joined Fitness First, so I can stay overnight with friends then disappear off to the gym in the morning, where I struggle through a class (the only pumpkin in a room of string beans) and use their lovely showers, sauna and hairdryers. Followed by a Sumo-salad or something yummy in the food court...

In fact, after a lifetime of loathing them I have at last discovered the pleasures of huge air conditioned shopping centres. (So much so that some days I feel a bit like Kath and Kel having their holiday at the airport...)

I also now have street directories for each of the major east-coast cities, so I can find a park and some trees to chill out in the van and do some work during the day. (I also have a no-names ebay GPS, but that's another story.)

It's all been challenging, and interesting... not, perhaps, as much 'fun' as people keep telling me I'm going to be having (or should be having).. but I'm old and slow and doing it alone, and I'm getting what I need from it, and it's early days yet. And the aim was always 'major life makeover' / 'see what eventuates' rather than 'fun' anyway. (Altho hopefully both.)

I think most of all I'm learning to live in the present a bit more, so if I come to visit and can't remember what I did last week or have done so far.. please don't panic that I've got dementia but accept this as a good sign and let's move onto more interesting topics... (Like what you've been doing.. or what fun things we can do while I'm visiting... Or where's the nearest luxury shopping centre, or best free camping spot..)

I've been in Brisbane for a bit, and am now heading back to Melbourne for early December, with a stopover in Sydney to coincide with my birthday on the 14th (November). I'll send evening-soiriee/bbq invites separately to Sydney folk, but if you are from elsewhere and happen to be in town that weekend, let me know.

It was my Sydney 50th birthday week of fun and friendships-revived that was the kick start to divesting myself of my Creswick house and garden (and ever-increasing solitude) to take to the road... so it seems fitting to have the one-year-on 51st do there too.

Huge thanks to everyone who's given me a spot in their lives and driveways or just been encouraging and loving. My mother keeps saying (when I ring her from a new place every few days), 'How come you have so many friends??'... and I have to say, it certainly is wondrous.

lots of love,

xxx Beth

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