February 10, 2010

This Littlest Van-dwelling Hobo* is looking for a temporary resting spot...

Hello my favourite invisible readers 
(friends, and friends I haven't yet met),

Just wondering if you can help...

Right now I’m looking for somewhere to pitch my hat, take out my laptop, and park my van for a bit (a few weeks or a few months).

I have decided to hang out my shingle as a ‘life coach’, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - or ‘meridian tapping’ -- a cutting-edge technique which I absolutely love) and I want to knuckle down and set up a website, with lots of good content and some freebies.

So ..

if you have a spare room and wouldn't mind a house-guest for a while (I'm happy to pay some rent or contribute to bills)

.. or have a house or flat to mind (I have loads of experience and references)

or maybe a holiday house that’s vacant during the week (or know someone who does)...

please do send me a message so we can have a chat
(no obligation of course - as it would have to be 100% right for both of us).

You can email to 

beth [at] bethspencer [dot] com  

(you know what to do with that - just translate it into an email address with @ etc... gotta do this to fool the spambots)

or phone or text me on 0419 580 382.


x Beth

(*ps I'm not such a very little hobo - more average sized - but The Littlest Hobo - after the tv show from the 60s - is what a friend of mine has called me for many years, even before I got the van. If you remember the show, you might get what she means.... Actually, I think I might just have to post the lyrics.)

pps: and just found a youtube version of the original.

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Anonymous said...

gotta love that forward
( a-driftin') hobo energy. More power to our paws!

Beth Spencer said...

Thanks, fellow doggie (who shall remain anonymous but I know who you are!). Woof woof.